Sunday, February 28, 2016

Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success

Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success doesn’t have to be difficult or hard. Even if you choose to implement just one or two suggestions as you get started, and then add more down the road you will be on your way to weight loss success. If you do this you will be Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success and well on your way to a healthier lifestyle with positive changes.
Here are six suggestions for Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success.


This is very important. This doesn’t mean just make a plan for just the next two or three meals. This means creating a one to two week meal plan that will keep you focused. Whether you plan for one or two weeks depends on how often you want to shop
Yes, planning is necessary! Most people who are lean, healthy, and athletic stick to a meal plan for 90% of their meals. Your meals should be balanced with lean proteins, whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. If you do this consistently the other 10% of the time you can cheat a bit.  You will be able to step off the plan and eat what you want for that day or meal.


Breakfast – 2 eggs, ¾ cup cooked steel-cut oatmeal, 1 small apple or a cup of berries.
Snack – Shakeology Total Nutrition Shake
Lunch – 4-6 oz of Grilled chicken or salmon, 1- 2 cups of asparagus with 1 tsp of lemon olive oil
Snack – 1 cup of raw vegetables and 2 tbsps of hummus
Dinner – 4-6 oz grilled steak, chicken or fish, ½ of a sweet potato or ½ cup cooked lentils, 1 cup of your favorite vegetables, and 1 cup of fruit for dessert or a snack later.
If you can keep a schedule similar to this, 90% of the time with the slight variations in your food choices, you will be on the road to success.
If you struggle with portion control and/or developing a meal plan then take a look at the Portion Fix Program from Beachbody. This program gives you an amazing meal plan with color coded containers of different sizes by food group so you always know you are getting the right foods in the right amounts.


Many people think supplementation means simply drinking a protein shake. That is actually farthest from the truth.  You could drink protein shakes until you are blue in the face and it will not benefit your body if you aren’t providing your body with total nutrition and if your body has nutrient deficiencies. Guess what? We all have nutrient deficiencies at times.
The most important factor to keep in mind when choosing a total nutrition shake is that the nutrients are provided by whole natural foods. Many shakes claim this, but it often is not the case. The cleanest and most nutrient dense shake that is highly recommended is Shakeology, with more than 70 healthy ingredients in one glass. Shakeology also helps build and repair muscles, reduces hunger and cravings, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, supports brain function and improves alert thinking, reduces anxiety, and promotes healthy skin, nails, and hair. The list of benefits goes on and on.


Choose an exercise program that you enjoy. The best part is you can make this happen at home and you do not need any big equipment, so there is no need to take an hour to drive to and from the gym,. Depending on what program you choose, you may only need you body weight, a resistance band or two, or  maybe a few dumbbells. Think about it! Get results with workouts that are only 25-40 minutes a day, you don’t have to drive anywhere, and use little to no equipment. Sounds like a dream come true, but it is actually reality. The best programs that fit into this category are Beachbody Programs. Check out the Challenge Packs that are offered for all fitness levels.
Make sure when you purchase your challenge pack that you enter the Beachbody Challenge, take before and after pictures, measurements, and weigh-ins because you can win daily, monthly, and quarterly CASH Prizes, plus have a chance win $100,000.  Oh, and you get a FREE T-Shirt when you finish the program, and a FREE Coach that can help you obtain your goals.


SMART Goals, are goals with a plan! Most of the time people just pick a goal, and then wonder why they failed.  Reason is…”A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish” – Larry Elder.  
You must sit down and write out a minimum of 3 goals using the SMART method and then make an action plan. SMART stands for S=Specific, M=Measurable, A=Attainable, R=Realistic, T=Time Accountable. If you are starting with a 21 day program or working on a program that you committed to for 90 days or more, you definitely can benefit from specific goals. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish for the outcome goals (i.e. Outcome Goal = Lose 10 Pounds), and exactly what actions you have to take for the process goals (i.e. Process Goal = Exercise daily). To take it one step further you can make it into a contract with yourself as well.  Hang your written goals, process, and time destinations where you can read them every day as a reminder and motivator.


Winging it or going alone rarely works. Your best chance for success is when you follow a professionally designed, structured and proven workout and nutrition program, whether created by an experienced personal trainer and nutritionist or through a premium at-home program.
Support and accountability are keys to your success, and can come from different sources. Typical support comes from one or more of the following:
  • Nutrition buddy
  • Workout partner
  • Fat loss accountability buddies or group
  • Personal Fitness Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Nutritionist
Research has shown that having someone review what you are doing and staying in contact on a daily basis increases your chance of success. Another study found that when people are in an online accountability group or forum they were more likely to reach their goals in a shorter amount of time.  


You have what it takes to reach your goals. All of us will have struggles and failures, that’s just part of the journey.  The thing you need to keep in mind is that little setbacks and failures don’t mean you are not going to reach your goal,rather that you simply need to learn from that moment, evaluate what you have learned, and apply it to a new action so you won’t repeat what didn’t work. Exercise, like life, is about learning and growing.
Remember when you create and implement your own plan for Weight Loss Success to challenge yourself, and have fun. The results will come.


We can all Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts. In today’s society it is unfortunate, but many people over the age of 40 have difficulty with daily routine, let alone running around with their children. For people who don’t take care of themselves, injury and fatigue are far too common.
Why do people let this happen to themselves? Who wants to only live an active life up to the age of forty and then basically give up on strength, energy, and easy mobility?
Shifts in what you do can make you feel better now. Think how you will Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts. The best part is you don’t need to hire top nutrition and fitness coaches, and you definitely don’t need to spend wasted weeks and month experimenting with products and programs trying to educate yourself. There are two major but easy and inexpensive shifts that can make a world of difference.


So, here it is… Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts.
  • Get Moving with a Fitness Program that Is Designed to Create a Strong and Healthy Body!
We are meant to move, not sit for hours on end. Unfortunately, many of our jobs these days are desk jobs, so intentional movement is very important. Walking helps but isn’t the full answer. You need movement is designed to help you get stronger, do it in a way that is safe, creates a foundation of fitness, and challenges you as you become stronger. So how do you get that in 45 minutes or less per day? Easy… Beachbody fitness programs and Beachbody On-Demand. These programs will have you moving and being healthy in 45 minutes or less per day.
  • Don’t Count Calories, Eat Foods with a Lifestyle Plan
Yes, processed sugars, (cookies, cake, etc), dairy, alcohol, and refined grains (cereal, bread, boxed pasta, etc.) are just not good for you. Reducing these alone can get you started on the track to feeling more energetic. With that said, creating a lifestyle plan where you still can enjoy those things on occasion and don’t have to count calories each day is what makes eating healthier so much easier. There are two things that can make all the difference in creating a healthy nutritional lifestyle.
One is to drink Shakeology. It is the cleanest and natural nutritional shake on the market. Why not get total nutrition in a tasty shake? Plus, Shakeology has proven to help energy, digestion, weight loss, cravings, and an array of health issues associated with unhealthy nutrition and lack of exercise.  


Second. Don’t worry about counting calories,  but enjoy proper portions of the foods you love. This is easily done with Beachbody’s Portion Fix Nutrition Plan. You cannot ask for an easier plan that will leave you full, satisfied, and happy you don’t have to think or count calories to be healthy. This nutrition plan also comes with all of Beachbody’s top Fitness Programs like 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Cize, Insanity Max30, Master’s Hammer and Chisel, and more.
The greatest thing about these two easy lifestyle shift is they are inexpensive. If you consider adding up the costs of  a gym membership, nutritional products, gas to drive to the gym, and your time driving to the gym,  your expense will be at least $10 a day and only 1 in 3 people get lasting results. If you add the cost of trainer into the mix you are looking at way more money.
So why not get a Free Coach to help guide you, a nutritional plan, fitness program, and nutritional supplements for $5 or less per day, and know that what you are using and doing works.

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Do you ever feel like you are just existing? This happens from falling into Mindsets That Keep You from Success. So how do you change? How do you get out of the Mindsets That Keep You from Success? The best strategy is about making a complete 180 in your life. It’s about putting a stop to self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.


So how to do you figure it out?  What actions do you have to take to really change the Mindsets That Keep You from Success? If you don’t believe success is possible for you, you’ll make excuses and stay stuck. You have to break the cycles and change the mindsets.
Here are the things you need to change so you can create success:
  1. Comparison – In today’s world of everything you see and do can be at your fingertips, it can be easy to fall into a trap of comparing where you are today to where someone else is. The thing is you cannot compare, as we all have our own learning curves and journey to go on. So instead of comparing yourself to someone else, you need to use what they have and you want as fuel. Your journey is personal and it should be measured by the goals you’ve set and what you do to hit those goals. Use what you see from others to drive you, not make you quit.
  1. Self-Doubt – We all have experienced doubt and fear. Most us fall into the fear of failure or looking bad. This self-doubt can be one of the biggest things that can derail progress. If you listen to the negative voices inside your head, you will convince yourself that you can’t make big changes or hit your goals. The thing is you can! No matter what you do you can obtain it. If it isn’t happening as fast as you want it to, that doesn’t mean you are failing, it means you need more time to learn and grow. Take action and stop self-doubting.  


  1. Negative People – Have you heard the saying that the six closest people you associate with affect who you are, what you believe, and what you do? Well this is so incredibly true. Negative people bring done other people. If you listen to negativity day in and day out, it affects your mindset and attitude. To obtain success you have to learn how to cut negative people out of your life if you truly want to make progress in your life and create success.
  1. A Lack of Inspiration – You need to fill your life with consistent motivation to keep focused. With the Internet at your fingertips you have the ability to grab daily inspiration through blogs, audio books, podcasts, YouTube, and more. Daily Personal Development is extremely important. Block out time each day for inspiration and motivation.
  1. Waiting – The one thing in life that you are not guaranteed is knowing when your time on this earth will end. We truly only have today! You need to stop waiting. Today is now, and you need to start. Procrastinating will keep you from creating your success.
It is your time to grab your future in health, fitness, nutrition, business, and more! Change your Mindsets That Keep You from Success!

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Fostering a Healthy Support System is as important as the decision to improve your health. Fostering a Healthy Support System will keep you on track with your exercise and nutrition. The people in your support system will help you choose health foods and to complete your workout even after a long day at work. They won’t encourage you to hit happy hour with your friends.


Here are a few tips to help make sure you are on the you Fostering a Healthy Support System, so you can have a better chance of achieving your fitness and nutrition goals. When you are achieving your goals, and setting new ones to keep you healthy, you are living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Seek out a support system. Friends and family should not be your only support. Sometimes friends and family may let you off easy. You want to make sure that you have others to really push you toward your goals and hold you accountable. There are thousands of people on the message boards, and social media who are experiencing a lot of the same things that you are. One of the best ways to find that support, besides amazing workouts and nutrition plans it to join the Beachbody Challenge. With the Beachbody Challenge you get fitness, nutrition, support from a FREE Coach.
  • Be sure to explain why you are seeking a healthy lifestyle to those around you and tell them that you would appreciate their support. Explaining your nutrition and fitness goal, the reasons you are working toward them, and your plan to achieve them will help the people around you understand, and get that you are really serious about wanting a healthy lifestyle. Plus, once you have explained this to the important people in your life, you may be surprised that some may want to join you.
  • Use your healthy influence for your family meal. Finding new recipes and creating healthy home-cooked meal can be fun and provide better health to your family as well. Get them involved and maybe have them pick a healthy recipe each week as well. You also can encourage picking healthy restaurants or healthy foods at restaurants.


  • Portion control is a must and a huge part of being healthy and fit. Just switching to healthier foods is not going to help you if you are still eating huge portions. Using portion size containers can really make all the difference. Check out the Portion Fix nutrition plan to help you learn how balanced portion nutrition will help you live a healthier lifestyle. Plus, when you are learning about portion control with your support group or with family and friends you are also inadvertently helping them become healthier.
  • Celebrate Successes and Learn from missteps. This is where your support system can really motivate you. When your support system celebrates with you and encourages you to learn and grow, it helps to keep you motivated. So give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back!
Fostering a Healthy Support System is as important as your goals and congratulating yourself. Embrace your Journey and Share it with your friends, family, and group.