Sunday, November 29, 2015


Don’t be that person who puts fitness goals on the back burner this holiday season. You can enjoy the holidays and crush your goals by following the Five Rules of Holiday Fitness!
Everyone always seems to have the same concerns when the holidays come around. We all want to attend as many events, dinners, and ugly-sweater parties as possible, but we don’t want our health and fitness to suffer as a result.
You would think that through the years people would have figured out how to have their cake and health and fitness, too. The reality is that some of us have, but too many of us have not. The answer should not be about desperately doing everything you can do from January to November for your health and fitness and then just see what happens in November and December. You need a new approach.
The Five Rules of Holiday Fitness could single-handedly be your turning point and finally teach you to learn to love the holidays and maintain your health and fitness levels throughout!
So, let’s take a look at the old way most people do things and the new rules that will help.


OLD WAY: Try (AND FAIL) to stick to a split program through the holidays
NEW RULE #1: Do Full-Body Workouts during the holiday season.
Things come up during the holiday season all of the time.  If you are doing split workouts, you will be so scattered that you will be missing some body parts and over-working others.
A few missed workouts does not mean you should throw in the towel until next week or next month. Instead, consider following a program of full-body workouts that use resistance, cardio, and yoga or stretching will keep you moving forward even if you miss a day or two.
Since time is valued this time of year, it’s a great time to look at At-Home Workouts. Working out at home saves time and money because you won’t have to drive to the gym. At-Home Workouts doesn’t mean your workouts will be easy. If anything, they may feel harder! Many At-Home Workout Programs incorporate supersets, cardio bursts, or other compound movements to elevate your heart rate and maximize your time. Trust me: you won’t lose any ground. Honestly you will more likely gain ground and see results, and the gym may be something you do once in a while after the holidays.
OLD WAY: Allowing Events and Workouts to Compete for Your Time
NEW RULE #2: Good Morning Workout!
The holiday season typically makes everyone’s schedules more jam-packed with events after work. This can also be a time that many plan to workout. So which do you do? During the holiday season the holiday events typically win.  There’s no reason to waste time figuring this out. The decision is “Good Morning Workout”.  
Doing your workout first thing in the morning keeps you on track and never missing a beat. Plus it lowers your stress because you are not thinking about having a workout when the unexpected event comes up, because yours is already done.  If you are gym person, then load up your gym bag the night before to save time and give yourself enough time to eat, get to the gym, clean up, and off to work. This again is where At-Home Programs can ease the stress of time. It can save you 45-60 minutes of time in the morning which could be used for extra sleep.
OLD WAY: Don’t consume all the decadent treats and sweets
NEW RULE #3: Try to eat only the treats and sweets new and appealing, don’t just gobble all the old favorites. Have a small portion of your favorite seasonal treats, and skip the things you can get anytime of the year.


Most people fail miserably at this one, so set yourself up with an incentive. Maybe it’s money in a jar for every time you skip something you can have anytime or have already had this season. Whatever incentive works for you, try it and do it.
Keep in mind that sugary treats can be found everywhere you look, so be mindful. Mindful means if you want the pumpkin pie or egg nog, scrap the Oreo cookies in the breakroom or a cafe mocha on the way home. You don’t want to ride the blood-sugar high all New Year’s and have to make resolutions that you would have never needed to make.
OLD WAY: Try to resist the urge even if you are starving.
NEW RULE #4: Plain and simple… Don’t let yourself get to the point you are starving!
Planning ahead becomes crucial and staying hydrated is important. Being prepared for the unexpected during the holiday season (or anytime) is important. Pack protein bars, raw almonds, apples or other fruit, or packets of total nutrition Shakeology.
Having these extra healthy snack options will help get through the day and are necessary before going to an unexpected holiday event. A healthy snack prior to your event will help you stick to the plan of not eating whatever throughout the night.
Drinking a 12-16-ounce glass of water prior to going to the event will also help you feel full when you arrive. Keep drinking water throughout the event.
OLD WAY: Training all year with hopes that people notice during the holidays
NEW RULE #5:  Invite friends and family to join you for your workouts, whether at home or the gym.
The holidays are often times when you see people you haven’t seen for a while.
It’s normal to secretly want to shock those people, and have them give you the “Wow” compliment! Or the “What have you been doing?” “You look great!” So instead of being secret and looking for your compliment, why not help inspire them to embrace the fit life. It is always better to give and inspire.
Make a workout date with a friend, family member, or coworker this holiday season. It will help hold both of you accountable for getting your workouts completed and provide a more natural platform for fitness questions and conversation, should any arise. Give the gift of health by inviting them and giving them an At-Home Fitness Challenge Pack to keep them going after the holidays.
Also remember to go for walks after big dinners and do things as a family like skiing, snowshoeing, hitting the beach, or going for a hike, depending on your climate.
Whatever you do, do it with friends and family. Inspire versus go for the compliment. Give the gift of health and fitness.
The bottom line is the holidays come once a year, but they still occur every year. So lower your stress and stay healthy and fit through the holidays by dumping the old ways and implementing these Five Rules for Holiday Fitness.
Finish the year strong!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body

Life gets crazy sometimes, and it can wear on us. If you notice that you are feeling tired and weighed down by stress, a lack of motivation for exercise, and are making poor food choices, it is time to think about giving your mind and body a reboot. This reboot doesn’t always have to come from a nutritional detox. It can come from a physical detox too.
What do we mean by physical detox? You can detox through yoga. Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body will leave you feeling cleaner on the inside and more energetic on the outside.
Try these Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body and see and feel the benefits for yourself.
Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body

This is one of the Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body that most people can do with very little practice. Bring your feet either hip-width apart or together (depending on your comfort level). Bend your knees as if you are sitting on a chair. Make sure your knees are aligned with the center of your feet. Bring your hands together at the heart center and bring one elbow to the opposite knee, pressing your palms firmly together. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and open your chest wide.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Improves the health of the spine and vertebrae, and also stimulates the liver, spleen, and digestive system to improve the elimination process.
  • Eagle Pose
For the Eagle Pose stand with your feet together and arms by your side. Draw your left foot upward, bending the knee as you lift it. Wrap the left foot around your right leg as you rest the back of your left thigh on the right thigh. Cross your arms at the elbows, left over right. Join the palms of your hands together keeping the fingers pointed upward. Inhale and hold the posture for the duration of the inhaled breath. Be sure to hold then release, and repeat on the other side.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Besides that, it stretches the ankles and calves, thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back, it creates deeper circulation which may help flush out the blood and lymph system.
  • Sage Twist Pose
Start by sitting on the floor with both legs straight in front of you. Bend your left leg towards your chest. Rotate your torso toward your left knee. Wrap your right arm around the left knee, positioning the knee in the crook of the right elbow. After holding the pose for 30-45 seconds, switch to the other side and repeat.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Helps stimulate digestion and remove the impurities of the body. Also stimulates the kidney and liver for more blood flow to the organs.
Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body
  • Forearm Wheel
This move is a reclined position on your back. You then slowly press up, gently placing the crown of your head on the mat. Come onto your forearms one at a time both forearms on the mat. Slowly press up into a backbend, opening through your shoulders.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Chest-opening exercises are wonderful to release stagnation and congestion in the body. This also can help activate your metabolism.
  • Eagle Headstand Pose
Begin this pose by kneeling on the floor. Lace your fingers together and set the forearms on the floor, elbows at shoulder width. Roll the upper arms slightly outward, but press the inner wrists firmly into the floor. Set the crown of your head on the floor. Inhale and lift your knees off the floor. Carefully walk your feet closer to your elbows, keep your heels elevated. Actively lift through the top of the thighs, forming an inverted “V.” Firm the shoulder blades against your back and lift them toward the tailbone so the front torso stays as long as possible. Exhale and lift your feet away from the floor. Take both feet up at the same time, even if it means bending your knees and hopping lightly off the floor. Place the right thigh over the left and either stay there in a half bind or wrap the foot around the calf in a full bind. Press the thighs into one another.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Headstands typically improve cardiovascular functioning by reducing strain on the heart. This can help people suffering from a depressed immune system and allergies. It can also increase digestive fire and body heat, which can increase the function of the endocrine glands, especially the pineal and pituitary glands.
  • Shoulder Stand Pose
Begin by lying on the floor. Draw your legs back over the head, coming into a plow pose. Bring your hands to either side of the spine and slowly bend both of your knees and press your feet up into the air. Draw the belly toward the spine. Concentrate on your feet, and lower to plow on your way down and return to your first position.
Detox Benefits for Your Body: Inverted poses help drain accumulated lymph fluid from the legs and upper body. This pose helps the body be oxygenated and cleansed.
Some of the moves we mentioned are for beginners and some are advanced. We always recommend that you do some formal practice of these moves with a program so you obtain the greatest benefit while decreasing your chance for injury. Some great programs to look at are Tai Cheng and PiYo, as well as the yoga programs offered in P90X, P90X2, and P90X. These programs offer the opportunity to learn and enjoy yoga, while allowing you to obtain the benefits from physical detox.
If you want to add a nutrition detox during your physical Detox, it is recommended to do the Ultimate Reset. This program is a comprehensive nutritional detox that detoxes your body down to the cellular level.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Most of us have tried making nutrition shakes that taste amazing and are creamy and smooth. Most often, however, we end up with shakes that are too watery, too icy, too thick, or too just not right. Let’s put an end to disappointing shakes. It is time to learn the Tips to Make Creamy Shakes.


The first of the Tips to Make Creamy Shakes is to use a shake product that has no artificial ingredients. Artificial ingredients they tend to be grainier in texture than natural ingredients. Shakeology is one shake that provides a daily dose of nutrition but has no artificial ingredients so it makes a nice smooth shake, even when mixed with liquid by itself or with other ingredients.
The ingredients listed below are the key Tips to Make Creamy Shakes, plus they add more nutrition to your natural shake base.
  • Use frozen fruit or vegetables. Frozen fruits or vegetables allow you to cut down on the ice. Ice waters down flavor and can create an undesirable texture. The best source of frozen fruits and vegetables is to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and freeze them yourself.
  • Use fruits that are higher in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and adds to shake thickness. Soluble fiber also keeps you fuller longer, helps lower the risk of heart disease, helps control blood glucose levels, helps reduce high cholesterol, and helps boost the body’s immune system. Some examples of high soluble fiber foods are apples, avocados, carrots, and pumpkins.
  • Seeds and nuts. Chia is a real powerhouse seed. Chia has more antioxidant activity than blueberries and are a great source of plant-based omega-3 essential fatty acid, which plays a role in heart and artery wall health. Chia Seeds are also a complete protein with nine amino acids which can help digestion, blood sugar levels, energy levels, and more.  


Nuts and seeds are a great way to make shakes creamy. To get the most benefit from your nuts and seeds you should soak them for a minimum of 10 minutes. Soaking increases your body’s ability to take in the nutrients and you don’t want to miss out on those healthy fats and additional nutrients that aid the cardiovascular system, metabolism, and help with weight management.
  • Organic Nut Butters. Nut butters will make your shakes creamy and smooth. Buy organic nut butters that do not have added ingredients. The ingredient list should include only nuts. You could also make your own nut butter. Soak the nuts and grind them up in a food processor. If you want, you can add a ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil to make them even smoother.
  • Coconut Flesh (Frozen or Fresh). Coconut flesh adds flavor, slightly sweetens, and significantly boosts the nutritional content of shakes. Coconut flesh is rich in iron, phosphorus and zinc plus it has a naturally high concentration of electrolytes and more potassium than a banana.
Not only will you have amazing smooth and creamy shakes, but you will have complete nutrition when you combine these Tips to Make Creamy Shakeswith Shakeology. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. More than 110 million Americans are on weight loss diets. The average person makes four or five attempts to lose weight each year! One percent of all attempts actually create long-term weight loss. What are the Mistakes That Keep Millions Overweight?
Weight loss really isn’t about looking good. Weight loss is and should be about health and wellness. If your only motivation for weight loss is to look good and be attractive to other people, you are destined to fail. This is typically the first of the Mistakes that Keep Millions Overweight. You have to tap into the true reasons for wanting to be healthy first and foremost.
There is truly no greater endeavor where so many people collectively are trying so hard, and having so little success than weight loss. Clearly there are many Mistakes That Keep Millions Overweight. Think about it… What if fewer than 1% of people who enrolled in college actually graduated? This would mean that 99% spent billions of dollars only to drop out and re-enroll four or five times a year. This sounds ridiculous, don’t you think? It is time to stop wasting money on mistakes and start spending that money on ways that truly improve your health.


The biggest and greatest mistake that keeps millions overweight is simply that they rely on willpower! People achieving lasting weight loss are not just using willpower or desire. They are creating an environment that instills habits. They are associating with people who help move them in the direction they are going. They work on their mental habits by instilling the thought process of “I Need to Choose My Health”.
The second mistake that keeps millions overweight is enrolling in programs like Weight Watchers or other similar programs. These programs don’t change and teach people how to truly establish healthy lifestyles by their choices. These programs teach people to be on the program. Creating a healthy lifestyle with nutrition should utilize a nutrition program that teaches balance, healthy food choices, and portion control where the person is actually having to seek out the food and portion their food for themselves. This creates changes within the brain body connections which instills a greater adherence to healthy habits.  
The third mistake that keeps millions overweight is how they approach exercise. Many people go to the gym and use a machine or machines not giving any real thought to what they are doing or how they should be doing it to create weight loss. Plus, many usually go at it too hard too fast, and then either get injured or fizzle out because they are too sore or don’t know what direction to go. Hiring a personal trainer, going to classes taught by a trainer, or using a top-rated at home program with the right exercise progression and set up properly to create weight loss is the best plan of action.


The last of the Mistakes that Keep Millions Overweight is the quality of the food that people are eating. Quality of food makes a huge impact on whether or not people lose weight.  Highly processed foods, foods that contain harmful chemicals, preservatives, artificial ingredients, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, hormones, or pesticides can cause weight gain, stifle weight loss, and actually stimulate the body to hold onto unwanted fat. When you really pay attention, you will discover that most foods are laced with the aforementioned weight gain factors. If foods are advertised, it is almost certain they are not healthy. When was the last time you saw a commercial advertising fruits and vegetables?
Buying whole, organic foods, and cooking from scratch will reduce your sugar consumption, lower your chances for chemicals, hormones, preservatives, and all the other mentioned precursors for weight gain and issues with weight loss. The root cause of insulin resistance and weight gain is the things mentioned previously. If you eliminate those foods, and add in healthy fresh foods your body will stimulate itself to push toward being the weight it should be.
Stop making Mistakes that Keep Millions Overweight, and start making your process a journey of learning and healthy living. Implement slow changes, and have fun along the way. Eating clean and getting the right exercise doesn’t have to be a struggle.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


We know that guys have a thing for large muscles. When many guys are young they dream of fast cars, playing football, and wanting to look like muscle bound superheroes. Most men think that this can only happen by spending countless hours at the gym, and that is just not true. You can Put on the Muscle with P90X, P90X2, or P90X3. No more countless hours spent driving to and from the gym, or hours in the weight room. Customize one of these programs and you will be on your way to your muscle bound body.
To know how to Put on Muscle with P90X, P90X2, or P90X3 you need to understand exactly what mass is. Mass means size. Mass doesn’t necessarily have to mean “massive”. If a program is designed to target mass this really only means one thing: muscle growth. So you can have a lot of it, or some of it. Your choice!
The P90X series when used with its classic original design is not meant for mass. The series is designed for overall fitness. This means that all areas of fitness are targeted, including speed, strength, flexibility, and muscle growth. Ultimately this is the preferred method for overall superior health and fitness, but we all know that sometimes size matters and you can do it with these programs. With that said, it is still in a person’s best interest to look at creating an overall fitness foundation prior to going with just bulk.
Fitness foundations can easily be created with all three of the P90X programs. Before embarking on a mass-specific program you want to train all of your body’s energy systems to get them efficient, which will increase your body’s ability to do well, and help create greater results for mass.  It’s best to complete a round of P90X, P90X2, or P90X3 with the original design prior to starting your mass-building program.


Time to Build and Put Muscle on with P90X, P90X2 or P90X3. With mass as your goal, you need to have the right resistance equipment, right program periodization, appropriate progressive overload, and proper recovery.
Equipment: A set of dumbbells, 5-50 pounds’ minimum, and a bench will be key. To make mass gains on body weight exercises you will need to make your body fail after given number of repetitions. To make this happen more effectively add weights, bands, or devices like ankle and wrist weights, or a weighted vest to add resistance to the movements.
Periodization:  Part one of Periodization is starting with your foundation of doing whichever P90X program you choose as its classic version to have a stable Foundation. The program is written in a way that periodization is built into the calendar. Part two will be stepping into the program using the guidelines provided in the schedule for mass. Part three would be going back to the classic or moving onto another P90X program from the series and starting with the classic and moving back into mass.
Progressive Overload: Mass happens with progressive overload. To create muscle growth, you must keep stimulating the muscles during each workout. This requires that you add weight as necessary to create failure at the desired number of reps. Make sure you have enough resistance that you don’t exceed your targeted number of reps. Even better if you can do enough weight to cut the amount of reps into three sets because you are lifting heavier, then you are creating more opportunity for mass. If you have to push the pause button to make it three sets, then do so.
Complete your repetitions slow and controlled with proper form. Speed is for power, not size. Focus on perfect form and only add weight when you can do each rep with great form and when it becomes easier to hit the overall rep count.


Recovery: P90X series mass schedules have a lot of active recovery and flexibility work and very little intense cardio. Therefore, you will spend more time recovering during each training block and taking fewer periods focused solely on recovery. This allows for overall muscle growth and proper recovery.
Nutrition is also important for you to Put on Muscle with P90X, P90X2, or P90X3, just as it is with any program. You won’t be burning as many calories as you would during the classic schedules. If you eat the same amount, you may gain more mass, but you’ll also gain more body fat. If you want mass, then you need to eat enough for your body to put on weight, but the right weight. Clean eating balanced with carbs, proteins, and fats will be key. You will want to be at the higher level of the nutrition plan, but will also have to listen to your body and see how it is responding.
If you use the mass calendars, with the other suggestions on mass you will Put on Muscle with P90X, P90X2, and P90X3. Results will come if you pay attention to your nutrition, cycle with periodization of the mass, and classic calendars, and use the proper resistance.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Many times as we age arthritis can build up in certain joints. The knee is one of the joints that is more susceptible to arthritis. The thing is what to do for Arthritis in the Knee can be as simple as making some simple changes. To make the simple changes you must understand some of the things that can make arthritis worse. Everyday habits such as gradual weight gain and lack of exercise. can actually make arthritis pain worse. Lifestyle choices could potentially do more harm to your aching knees and other painful joints than most realize.
What to do for arthritis in the knee can start with these few pain control habits that can help bring arthritis pain relief.


Control Weight Gain
When you are wondering what to do for arthritis in the knee, weight should be the first thing that comes to mind. Look at whether or not you have gained weight or are carrying more weight than your body was meant to handle. Aching knees are typically a direct response to weight gain. When you are overweight or obese, your joints are carrying that greater load, and this causes the wear and tear that characterizes osteoarthritis. To decrease pain, start with your weight.
Get Up and Get Moving
If your daily habit is to lounge around, you may be adding to your arthritis pain. Though this may sound counterintuitive to many, activity actually does the body some good. Don’t make aching knees or other joint pain an excuse for inactivity.
Though arthritis may make it a bit more difficult to get started on an exercise plan, it is so important. Starting out with non-impact type exercises can really make the difference. Some highly recommended programs for at home use are PiYo, Tai Cheng, and any of the P90X Series Yoga Programs. Once your pain begins to subside you want increase strength around the joint. 
Don’t Pass Up Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are important for everyone’s nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important when it comes to arthritis pain relief. This is definitely an important factor for what to do for arthritis in the knee.


It is recommended that your daily doses for Omega-3 fatty acids should be between 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams. Taking a high quality Omega supplement and eating foods such as salmon can help you achieve the recommended levels needed for arthritis pain relief.
Get Good Sleep
Sleep is important for overall health. Studies show that people who lack proper sleep report more pain and types of pain, including joint pain. 7-8 hours of sleep is optimal for overall health and to help alleviate pain.
Stamp Out Stress
Stress can play havoc on all areas of the body. The problem is, high levels of stress can actually make arthritis pain worse. If you are stressed, your overall physical tension can be greater, magnifying joint and muscle pain. So take a deep breath, and try to let all that stress go. Meditation, massage, and acupuncture are all good options to help relieve the pain and open up the joints and their range of motion.
Now that you know what to do for arthritis in the knee, you can start utilizing these suggestions and finding relief.