Thursday, December 31, 2015


Each year many of us set resolutions for the new year and don’t see much change.  If done correctly you can set Resolutions that Can Change Your New Year and have a dramatic ripple effect on your health, and happiness.


Smile More Often:
It’s a well known fact that the simple act of smiling can make you happier and healthier, even if your smile is forced. According to the facial feedback hypothesis, smiling activates the release of dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, neurotransmitters that help reduce stress and elicit positive emotions. Plus, smiling can be contagious. When you smile, you are more inviting, attractive, relaxed and sincere to others. Choose to Smile Often!
Have a Health and Fitness Regimen:
Regular physical exercise and a healthy nutritional diet cannot only help with weight management, but also can reduce stress, fight disease, improve your mood, and improve your energy levels and sleep. Regular exercise and eating healthier can also help you appear be a better leader.
Schedule Personal Time:
YES… Schedule personal time. With our busy lives most of us don’t personal time, so schedule it. Evidence suggests that the most productive people are not the busiest but the best at prioritizing their free time. So schedule time for personal passions, family, and other activities that are important to you.
Only Commit to Things You Can Do:
Many people want to say maybe to things, or yes, even when they know that they will cancel when it comes up anyhow. Don’t do this! If you can’t make it to dinner with your friend next week don’t say maybe in fear of disappointing them, just say you can’t. Not overextending yourself will save you time and consternation down the road. Plus, when you can actually commit, the person knows you mean it and it will mean something to them.
Use Your Calendar:
The best way to stay on top of your goals is to be relentless about your calendar. Managing things to do, things that are important to you, your deadlines, and more will keep you organized, and ensure that you prioritize your most important tasks. Remember that your schedule and calendar should include time with family and friends, reading, personal hobbies, workouts, and all the other things that are important to you and your health.


You will be amazed how these guidelines can be the Resolutions that Can Change Your New Year. When you create your personal to-do list and make it as important as your work to-do list, you begin to create balance. Those these are Resolutions that Can Change Your New Year, it is important to re-evaluate everything you are doing on a weekly and monthly basis. You may want to consider setting up reminders for re-evaluation as well. You can create change in your New Year.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies

The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when any people eat too much and gain weight. Of course you can control whether you overeat or allow yourself to gain weight. Research has shown that the American on average gain 3-5 pounds during the holiday season. Without implementing a healthy lifestyle throughout the year, over the course of five years, holiday weight gain can really add up. So why not start by implementing some Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies that can help keep that 3-5 pounds off your waistline.
The holidays don’t have to mean weight gain. If you focus on these Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies you will be have a healthy balance of food, activity, and fun. By implementing these few Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies you can stay healthy through the holiday season and be better off and more likely to really hit your New Year’s Health and Wellness Goals.
Healthy Holiday-Eating Strategies
  1. Be Real! Don’t try to lose weight during the holidays. Have your focus be on maintaining your current weight.
  2. Plan and schedule time for exercise. Exercise will help prevent weight gain, but also is the best holiday stress reliever. If you get in 30-45 minutes of exercise a day during the holiday season, you will have less stress and keep weight gain at bay.
  3. Don’t skip meals. Eating your three meals and two snacks a day is important every day, but even more so during the holiday season. This pattern can keep you from overindulging at parties. Eating light snack like raw vegetables, a piece of fruit, drinking a total nutrition shake, and drinking a large glass of water before parties can really make a difference.
  4. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday treats by eating small portions of each rather than full portions of everything. Sit down, get comfortable, and enjoy.
  5. Be aware of beverages. Alcohol can lessen inhibitions and induce overeating; non-alcoholic beverages can also be full of calories and sugar. Start yourself off with a large glass of water, and go to the party with the thought of only two drinks. After the large glass of water, have one drink, then two glasses of water before your second drink.
  6. Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering. Offering to bring a healthy entrée to the party or gathering can ensure you have something that fits your plan. With the greater emphasis on healthy nutrition in recent years, more than likely there will be other more healthful items available that you can also enjoy.
  7. Practice Healthy Holiday Cooking. Preparing favorite dishes with lower unhealthy fats and excess calories helps promote healthy holiday eating. Incorporate some of these simple-cooking tips in traditional holiday recipes to make them healthier.
  • Gravy — Refrigerate the gravy to harden fat. Skim the fat off. This will save a whopping 56 grams of fat per cup.
  • Stuffing — Use a little less bread and add more onions, garlic, celery, and vegetables. Moisten or flavor with low fat low sodium chicken or vegetable broth.
  • Green Bean Casserole — Cook fresh green beans with chucks of potatoes instead of making the traditional green bean casserole.
  • Mashed Potato — Use pureed cauliflower made with low sodium vegetable broth.

Enjoy the holidays, plan a time for activity, incorporate healthy recipes into your holiday meals, and don’t restrict yourself from enjoying your favorite holiday foods. In the long run, your mind and body will thank you.

Friday, December 4, 2015


8.3 Million people in the US finished a 5k run in 2013, according to Running USA. This makes running 5k’s the most popular event in the United States.
So how do you Improve Your 5k Run Performance? For many people the answer to this question is,  “Run”.  Yes, putting in more miles is one way to help Improve Your 5k Performance, but nutrition and strength and conditioning training can create significantly greater improved performance than just running alone.


As with fuel for a car, there is an optimal blend of energy needed for aerobic exercise, an intense exercise event, and for a 5k. Carbohydrates and fats are the optimal energy source for high intensity aerobic exercise. Typically, an athlete should have enough fat stored to get through a 5k race without having to consume more fat. Carbohydrates should be the focus for 5k and other short distance events. Proteins are not used as an energy source during shorter distance events, however, protein is essential for growth and repair of muscle and body tissues. Protein should be an essential part of the recovery meal following your 5k. An even better way to ensure a proper balance of carbs, proteins, and fat is to use a high quality Recovery Supplement.  
Consuming carbohydrates before your race can enhance performance by maintaining adequate blood glucose (sugar) levels, the main fuel for your muscles. Furthermore, glucose is also the main source of energy for your brain, and a well-nourished brain will improve your race focus. Scientific studies have shown that a proper pre-workout supplement and meal (400-500 calories) can enhance your endurance and energy.
Hydration for a 5k race shouldn’t be neglected, and most sport drinks are full of sugar which actually dehydrates the body. Be sure to be well hydrated prior to your event. Drink water and a high quality hydration drink during the event, and stay hydrated after the event. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.


The other factor to Improve Your 5k Performance is strength training and conditioning. Optimally you should train 3-4 times per week and include resistance training two times per week for 30 minutes, and agility and performance training for at least 30 minutes two times per week. This should happen at least for four weeks, eight weeks out from the event. You can also get very dialed in and set up a training schedule that is set up into periods throughout the year to optimize all your events and continue to improve upon your performance.
Research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning has shown that an increase in oxygen to the muscles in those who have done this proper training versus those who did not partake in such training.

Remember, enhanced performance for a 5k does not start and end on race day. It is vital to consider properly fueling your body on a consistent basis, and properly exercising and putting in the running miles for the best results.