Saturday, September 17, 2016

Tips for Sustainable Fat Loss

It is time to give up the fads and gimmicks. True sustainable fat loss and body weight maintenance comes from making changes toward a healthy lifestyle that one can sustain for life. That is why it is called a healthy lifestyle. Fads and gimmicks cannot be sustained for long periods of time and will only bring short lived results. Jump off the gimmick band wagon and commit to these Tips for Sustainable Fat Loss.

Tips for Sustainable Fat Loss

Implementing these Tips for Sustainable Fat Loss will help you make your journey achievable. With that said you must keep in mind that fat loss and weight loss is not an end results. Once the fat loss and weight loss is achieved the journey shifts to maintenance. That is why it is import to implement sustainable principles so it becomes a part of life… A healthy lifestyle. ANYONE can achieve their health when these tip are incorporated into a healthy lifestyle.

Tips for Sustainable Fat Loss

1. Protein at Every Meal and Snack: If you want to get off high and low energy roller coaster, include a minimum of 10 grams of protein at every meal and snack. Protein helps stabilize the Glycemic index of other foods and stabilize your blood sugar levels. It does this by slowing the process of the other foods which in turn helps to moderate swings in blood sugar because the body is processing the foods at more even level as it absorbs the nutrients.
This is one of the reasons why Shakeology makes such a great snack. It provides the perfect balance of proteins with whole food nutrients. Therefore, you have less cravings for caffeine and sugar after an hour past your snack. It is the perfect blend for keeping your body from energy crashes or triggering temptations.
2. Add Healthy Fats: Fat does NOT make you fat. Contrary to what people have been led to believe from the food industry, fats are good when they are healthy fats.
In fact, studies prove that increasing the ‘right’ type of fats will aid in fat loss. Healthy fats include coconut oil, olive oil, avocados or avocado oil, flax seed oils, and oils from certain fish, just to name a few. These fats have also been found to help lower the possibility for stroke and heart disease.
Vegetable oils and fat, hydrogenated oils and fats, and other forms of trans fats will increase inflammation in the body, and have been linked to a variety of health issues.
3. Reduce and/or Eliminate Sugar: Processed sugars, artificial sugars, and added sugars cause inflammation, which can lead to achy joints and lethargy. Eat sugar triggers the brain in many negative ways and increases the craving for more of it.
Reducing or eliminating processed and excess sugar will help the body feel better, make it easier to maintain weight, and allow it to shed excess fat easier. Start by reading labels. Every 4 grams of sugar is equal to 1 teaspoon. Work at staying below 60 grams per day. Even better below 50 grams.
Stay away from refined and processed sugars. Stay away from artificial sugars and sweeteners. These should be out of your diet completely. If there is need for sugars or sweeteners your best choices are organic raw honey, agave, and/or maple syrup. Again use in moderation.
4. Be Hydrated with Water: Before eating anything meal or snack drink and 8-ounce glass of water. Especially do this if feeling hungry and it’s not necessarily time to have a snack. Often times people are actually thirsty and not hungry. Adequate hydration is a key component to fat loss.
Hydrate with WATER!
Eliminate all sugar laden drinks such as fruit juices, soda, and even diet soda. Fruit juice has no fiber and all of the sugar. Soda is nothing but sugar water, and diet soda is full of artificial sweeteners that do nothing but wreak havoc on the body at it attempt so process the chemicals. So all these drinks do is cause inflammation, bloating, fat gain, and overall weight gain.
5. Eat Carbs!
Carbs are NOT the devil. Your body and brain needs carbohydrates to function properly on a daily basis. The Go-To carbohydrates should 4-6 servings of vegetables and 1-2 servings of fruit daily depending on thebalance portion nutrition plan that best suits your goals and needs.
Starch/grain carbs are also important but need to be chosen from complex low glycemic options such as quinoa, lentils, beans, sweet potatoes and brown rice. Yes, bread can also be consumed but should be sprouted grain bread and in moderation.
6. Hunger or Habit: Get in touch with your body and your appetite. Paying attention to your body, and what is going on around you can help to really determine if its hunger or if its fueled by emotion, habit, social pressure or boredom.
Eating while doing other things like driving or watching TV is a recipe for overeating. Being mindful of what your body needs and what you are doing is important. It is important to the body and digestion to taste every bite and slow down. This not only helps the body but allows you to enjoy the food more and eat less.
7. Never Be Starving and Never Be Stuffed: Avoid energy crashes and over eating! Eat a little before you get too hungry and stop eating before you get full. It takes up to 20 minutes for your belly to tell your brain that it is full. This is why it is so important to eat slow!
Don’t allow yourself to get to starving. This means your blood sugar is already dropping and triggering the brain I need it now or else. Which in turn creates the overeating madness as the brain is triggering fast trying to get the message of full. So you end up over eating.
That’s it! Consistency in the application of these Tips for Sustainable Fat Loss will help you drop weight.

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